Ready to increase your paid ad campaign revenue, but you're like "where the heck do I start?"


Is Your secret weapon to boost your ad success

(in 24 hours or less)

Want our best performing ad templates?

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down of our best performing FB Ads that

you can tweak and use.

Hello, Love!

You've poured your heart and soul into your signature course, program, or membership.

I get it, and I'm here to help!

What if you could grow and scale your creative business without sacrificing what you love?

You can! With Facebook Ad and funnel solutions designed to help your business grow seamlessly while achieving the life-work balance you crave.

Picture your ad chaos turning into a steady stream of profits.

It's likely you've tried your hand at Facebook and Instagram ads before. Perhaps they're even running at this very moment.

The Catch?

You've spent a lot of money, and while you are getting some traffic you haven't seen those magnificent returns that everyone else brags about. It's more than just frustrating, right?

You need a new plan for your ads. And you need it now, so you can stop wasting your time and money.

Terrific News...

You don't have to navigate paid ads alone!

Frustrated with the never-ending content creation cycle and elusive social algorithms? I totally get it.

Hello there, I'm Genevieve -and hate the pressure to show up every day on social media too! I'm a mom, a military wife, and LOVE to take there isn't a lot of time left for endless marketing tasks.

There's an endless list of tasks you could be dealing with in your business right now, but stressing over your paid ads strategy shouldn't be one of them.

Instead, let me walk you through every step of designing, establishing, and handling your Facebook and Instagram ads. I'll make sure you steer clear of tech panic and avoid going down the rabbit hole of endless Google searches.

And when you're ready, I offer a fully tailored, high-touch experience that takes ads completely off your plate and feels just right for YOU and your creative enterprise.

1:1 Ad & Funnel Coaching

For Creative Coaches with a signature course or coaching program who want to optimize and scale their ad strategy with a more hands on approach.

Ad Audit & Strategy

Looking to scale your business with paid ads, but unsure about where to start or how to optimize your campaigns? In our 1:1 Ad Audit & Strategy Session, we'll explore the depths of your business and set clear objectives for your paid ad campaigns.

Done For You Ads

For Creative Coaches with a signature course or program who are ready to outsource Facebook Ads for lead generation and evergreen funnels while they stay in their zone of genius.

Inbox Income Society

The easy to implement DIY paid ad solution for creative experts who are ready create a reliable system that grows an audience of dream clients without relying on constant content creation.

Scaling Your Signature Program Has Never Been Easier!

I’ve always been passionate about my business, but turning it into a profitable venture seemed like a steep mountain to climb. That was until I found Genevieve!

As soon as I partnered with Genevieve and her team my business started to transform. By focusing on scaling my evergreen funnel with Facebook ads, they’ve helped me increase my passive income more than I could have ever imagined.

- Alyssa K.

Ready to Sprinkle Some Magic on Your Creative Business?

Get ready to turn your passion project into a powerhouse of passive income - while still keeping it fun and fabulous! Roam around, there's plenty to explore!


How to Drive More Webinar Sign Ups With Facebook Ads

If you're thinking of using Facebook ads to promote your next webinar or event, START HERE! I'm spilling the beans on when to start advertising, how to grow your audience, and why relationship building is crucial for conversions.


How to Drive More Webinar Sign Ups With Facebook Ads

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros

Fill Your next event using Facebook Ads

How to Drive More Webinar Sign Ups With Facebook Ads

April 20, 20234 min read

Have you thought about using Facebook ads to fill your next webinar or challenge event launch?

It’s a no brainer that ads can get your registration page in front of more interested eyeballs, but the key to success with your launch is actually knowing WHEN to start getting in front of those interested people.

The Truth About Launching Your Event

The one thing that so many online course creators don’t really understand is that marketing and launching in itself is really a numbers game. And that's OK, because you're a creative, you're here to share your creative genius. No one told you there would be math involved.

And I don’t mean the kind of math where you just need to divide your desired revenue goal by the cost of the offer to figure out how many you need to sell. 

This is a handy number to know, but in reality just knowing how many you need to sell doesn’t tell you anything about how you are actually going to hit that number.

What you really need to know is how much money you want to make during your launch or event, and how many people you actually need to get into your funnel to hit that.

It’s all about Eyeballs and Conversion Rates

When it comes to a sign up page, an event or a sales page, only a fraction of the people who see those things, are actually going to move on to the next step. 

So if 100 people click over to your landing page to sign up for your webinar, only around 20-30% might sign up and give you their email address.

So now you have 2-30 people registered. Of those 20-30 people a shocking 10-30% will actually show up for your event. That is around 4-6 people. SHOCKING RIGHT?

And I am even more sorry to break it to you that of those 4-6 people who show up, 1-3% will convert into actual paying customers.

When you start realizing these actual percentages it helps you realize that you need to get in front of a lot more people than you think to reach your actual revenue goals. 

And that is where Facebook ads come in for the win because they can actually help you get in front of more of the RIGHT eyeballs. 

What Most Course Creators are doing wrong when it comes to ads

So how do you plan an effective webinar (or challenge launch)  ad campaign that you know is going to give you the best results. 

Typically whenever course creator is getting ready to launch they start running ads for their event about 10 -14 days in advance. 

These straight to registration page ads are targeted to a cold audience (people that have never heard of you before) and the goal is to get them to register for your upcoming event. 

While this can absolutely work, it can also be very expensive. To the tune of $5-$15 per registration depending on your niche. 

Thankfully there's a much better way to grow your audience before your big event and it's not only going to grow an email list of raving fans, it will also bring down your cost per registration considerably. 

In fact when implementing this for a recent Sparkle and Scale client, we were able to bring her cost per lead down from $5.40 to $.86!

Wanna know what we did different?

Use Facebook Ads to build relationships

Instead of coming in and blasting an ad to cold audiences we started building and nurturing an audience of our own well before our target launch date. 

Where most creators launching come in at 10-14 days before the event. We start a whole 45-90 days to start building that audience and growing relationships. 

This extra timeline allowed us to get those same cold audiences into our orbit, let them know who we are and what we do, and deliver some amazing value to them. 

So when it came time for the actual launch event ads, they already knew us, liked us, trusted us, and couldn’t wait to learn more from us. 

The main strategy we used to accomplish this was by using Sparkle Everywhere ads that amplify organic reach, connect with a new audience in a genuine way, and allow our clients to dominate the newsfeed and position them as the go to authority in their niche. 

We also implemented lead magnet ads to get that same cold audience signed up for an email list prior to launch. In fact, growing your list is something that should be done on a daily basis, if you really want to be able to scale your business. 

When it comes down to planning for a successful launch ( or filling your evergreen funnel) the number one thing is make sure you plan well in advance. This will allow you to get in front of enough people to hit  your amazing revenue goals.

Don't wait until the last minute to throw some random registrations ads up there and hope to get people. In reality you probably need a lot more people registered for your event than you actually think.

If you want to know exactly how many people you need to get registered for your next launch… I've put together a free calculator that will give you the exact details on hitting those lofty revenue goals.

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Explain The Awesome Content

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Explain The Awesome Content

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


Explain The Awesome Content

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


Explain The Awesome Content

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros